J.P.'s Big Daddy Biscuits Recipe - Allrecipes.com
Have you ever tried to count the number of grains of sand there are on a seashore? While it might be technically possible to do, I think it is very close to the realm of impossible. There is simply too much sand to be able to even begin to count each grain. King David in Psalm 139 makes a declaration that the thoughts of God toward him literally outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. Basically I think what David was basically saying was that God is continually thinking of him! None stop... all the time! Now if we try to comprehend this in our human understanding, we will short circuit for sure because it does not seem possible that God would be constantly thinking of us. I am thankful that our God and Father is not limited to our own human limitations so He can do whatever He wants, however He wants to do it. My prayer for each one of us today is that we would become more aware of the longing in our Papa's heart for us. He is thinking about you RIGHT NOW! And right now, and right now again! Isn't that amazing? The God of the universe cannot stop thinking about you and me! May this life-changing truth sink deep down into the depths of our heart and transform us more and more on the inside. Photo by Barry Adams |
Promise #206 - Wednesday July 25, 2012 Posted: 24 Jul 2012 09:02 PM PDT Buy photo download/Order print. Share this promise photo on Facebook. Deuteronomy 4:7 WEB For what great nation is there, that has a god so near to them, as Yahweh our God is whenever we call on him? Promise #206: I am near to you whenever you cry out. In this particular Bible verse, the nation of Israel is marvelling that there is no other nation on the earth that has a God that is so close to them that He is near whenever they cry out. What an advantage over every other nation of the day! They worshipped a God who was near and attentive to the cries of His people. And that was the Old Covenant relationship with God. In the New Covenant, God is even closer! He lives within those who have accepted the free gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. We are the very temple of the living God! He is closer to each one of us that we could possibly imagine. My prayer today is that each one of us would be aware of the tangible presence that dwells within us and that we would know that our God is really close to us when we cry out to Him. Photo by Jeff Epp Click here to read another daily blog by Barry Adams at Fatherheart.tv |