The Present Calendar
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
1 November Observances
November 1 is the 305th day of the year (306th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 60 days remaining until the end of the year.
National Fig Week--November 1-7
ALL HALLOWS or ALL SAiNTS DAY Observed November 1st each year
- All Saint's Day
- www.newadvent.org/cathen/01315a.htm
- For information, see: Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead - October 31 - November 2
- A three-day Mexican holiday to honor and celebrate loved ones who have died. Source: www.azcentral.com/ent/dead.
Electric Light Bulb Patented
National Author's Day
NAtional Deep Fried Clams Day
- US ViRGIN ISLANDS: LBERTY DAYTeach a Friend to Homebrew Day (Thanks Ian!)
Day of the Dead, Mexico
- Day of the Dead (November 1, sometimes celebrated in areas with large Mexican-American populations; see Dia de los Muertos)
Observed the first Saturday of November. More information is available at www.beertown.org/events/teach/index.html
2 November Observances
- Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead - October 31 - November 2)
- A three-day Mexican holiday to honor and celebrate loved ones who have died. Source: www.azcentral.com/ent/dead
- A three-day Mexican holiday to honor and celebrate loved ones who have died. Source: www.azcentral.com/ent/dead
Cookie Monster's Birthday Sesame Street Character
Digital Scrapbooking Day
- Observed the first Saturday in November starting 2007. This observance is to celebrate all that today's technology can do to help preserve precious memories. This holiday was created to encourage scrapbookers, photographers, crafters, and genealogists to set aside some time to preserve, document, and archive their memories digitally. Official Website: www.digitalscrapbookingday.com.
U.S.A. Election Day
The first Tuesday after the first Monday.
North Dakota became a state, 1889
Read a page on North Dakota, then take a quiz.
- Occurs every year on November 2 to coincide with the Day of the Dead. For information, see: www.hardiehouse.org/epitaph
South Dakota became a state, 1889
Read a page on South Dakota, then take a quiz.
Haile Selassie crowned emperor of Ethiopia,1930
- Daniel Boone's Birthday
Born in 1734 in Pennsylvania.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 28 Observances
October 28 is the 301st day of the year (302nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 64 days remaining until the end of the year.
- 1 Events
- 2 Births
- 3 Deaths
- 4 Holidays and observances
Day of International Concern About Young People and Gun Violence
St. Jude's Day
Wild Foods Day is a day of celebration for wild plants, fruits, and vegetables! Our ancestors have been eating plants and harvesting food from the wild for thousands of years. Today, take part in these traditions by taking a walk in the woods to find some edible wild plants to eat. But before you do, make sure you learn how to properly identify and prepare the wild plants before you consume them. You should also learn where to find them and if they have any nutritional value.
Statue of Liberty Dedicated (1886)
Nat'l Prohibition Act Passed (1919)
Cuban Missile Crisis Ended (1962)
27 October Observances
October 27 is the 300th day of the year (301st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 65 days remaining until the end of the year.
Cranky Co - workers Day
Navy Day
Pres. Theodore Roosevelt's Birthday(1858)
New York City's First Subway Opened(1904)
Nylon Debuted(1938)
Merriam-Webster Online
1: of, relating to, or characterized by lethargy : sluggish
2: indifferent, apathetic
After eating a large plate of spaghetti and meatballs I often feel lethargic and sleepy.
"What's not to like about a $30 billion boost to small biz, which has been taking it on the chin on this lethargic recovery? Perhaps only that it will be insufficient to counter the strong headwinds that small companies are facing." -- From John Curran’s "The Curious Capitalist" blog on Time.com, September 17, 2010
DID YOU KNOW?In Greek mythology, Lethe was the name of a river in the underworld that was also called "the River of Unmindfulness" or "the River of Forgetfulness." Legend held that when someone died, he or she was given a drink of water from the river Lethe to forget all about his or her past life. Eventually this act of forgetting came to be associated with feelings of sluggishness, inactivity, or indifference. The name of the river and the word "lethargic," as well as the related noun "lethargy," all derive from "lethe," Greek for "forgetfulness."
Merriam-Webster Online
A.Word.A.Day --posology
with Anu Garg
(puh-SOL-uh-jee, po-)
noun: The study of drug dosages.
From Greek poso- (how much) + -logy (study). Earliest recorded use: 1786.
Physician Peter Mere Latham once said, "Poisons and medicine are oftentimes the same substance given with different intents." And different dosage, he might have added. Determining the right amount -- neither too much nor too little -- is crucial as the effect of a medicine varies by age, weight, sex, climate, etc. of the recipient. That's where posology comes in.
"Dan Wagner's approach involves working with a team of students, professors, local healers, midwives, and shamans to identify, collect, and mark plant samples according to protocols established in the field of posology."
J. Michael Krivyanski; From Pharmacy to Integrative Medicine; World & I (Washington, DC); Feb 2002.
Explore "posology" in the Visual Thesaurus.
This above all: to thine own self be true, / And it must follow, as the night the day, / Thou canst not then be false to any man. -William Shakespeare, poet and dramatist (1564-1616)
A.Word.A.Day --posology
October 25 Observances
Lung Health Day
Mother - in - Law Day
Reformation Sunday
Sourest Day
Picasso's Birthday(1881)
Microwave Oven Debuted (1955)
John Steinbeck Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature (1962)
U.S. Invaded Grenada (1983)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Encouragement for Today Daily Devotional, Proverbs 31 Ministries, Christian Bible Devotions
October 21, 2010
I'll Start Again on Monday
Lysa TerKeurst
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
Romans 8:37 (NIV)
Have you ever caught yourself compromising your healthy eating plan with the little "I'll start again on Monday" escape clause? Me too.
That cheesecake does look good. The Mexican chips and dip are irresistible. It is a special night. I can start again on Monday.
It is so tempting to give in. Set things in reverse. Pretend it won't matter. But it does matter and not just for the physical or mental set back. It's the denial of a fundamental spiritual truth that will make our healthy eating plan fall apart time and time again. What is this truth? We were made for more than this. More than this failure, more than this cycle, more than being ruled by taste buds - we were made for victory. Sometimes we just have to find our way to that truth.
When I was a senior in high school I was invited to a college party. By the end of the night my friends and I were giggling over the attention of two good looking college boys. As the party died down, they invited us over to their place.
Part of me was so flattered, I wanted to go. A much bigger part of me didn't. But plans got made and before I knew it we were getting into their car and driving away. I was not a strong Christian at this point in my life. And I certainly can't say I'd ever heard God speak to me, but in the midst of this situation, I did.
"This isn't you, Lysa. You were made for more than this."
Truth. A gift of truth. Planted deep within me when God personally knit me together. Untied and presented at just the right time.
I wound up making an excuse for a quick exit and walking back to my car alone that night. I mentally beat myself up for acting like a young, immature high schooler who couldn't handle being a college party girl. But looking back, I want to stand up on a chair and clap, clap, clap for my little high schooler self!
There were other seasons of my growing up years where I heard this truth loud and clear repeated within the confines of my soul and sadly, I refused to listen. These were the darkest years of my life. I wasn't made to live a life that dishonors the Lord.
None of us are.
"You were made for more Lysa - you were made for more." I remembered it especially in those early weeks of my new healthy eating adventure when I was tempted by one million assaults on my sugar-deprived taste buds. I just kept mentally repeating ... made for more. Made for more!
And though my quest pales in comparison to the importance of a high schooler trying to keep her purity - hunger is hunger. Temptation is temptation. Desire is desire. So, maybe they aren't so different after all.
We were made for more.
What a great truth to use while rewriting the "go to" script that plays in our head every time we're tempted. Rewriting the go-to scripts is one of the most crucial steps toward permanent progress. Remember the script that I mentioned earlier in this article? The excuses? The rationalizations? The "I'll do better Monday" escape clause?"
We have to rewrite those by getting into the habit of saying other things. And the first of these is, "I was made for more."
Listen to these words from Proverbs 3:5-8, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones."
Trust in the Lord - you were made for more. In all your ways acknowledge Him - you were made for more. Don't try to be wise and do your new diet in your own strength, hold tight to the Lord and flee from temptations - you were made for more. This will bring health and nourishment to you and help you find victory in this struggle - you were made for more!
Dear Lord, I was made for more than getting stuck in a vicious cycle of defeat. I trust You and want to acknowledge You in ALL my ways. Help me to remember I was made for more with each choice I make. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Visit Lysa's blog today for a list of other "Go To Scripts" perfect for those trying to get healthy!
If this devotion resonated with you, click here to pre-order Lysa's upcoming book "Made to Crave... satisfying life's deepest desire with God not food." This will be a perfect book to use individually or in your January Bible study group. Preorder your copy at a 31% discount this week only and it will ship to you in December.
The "Made to Crave" DVD and Bible study workbook will be released January 10.
Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa is also a great resource to use for group Bible Studies and it's available now on sale!
Application Steps:
If food is an issue for you, visit www.LysaTerKeurst.com for more "Go To Scripts" that will help you overcome tempting situations.
If food is not an issue for you, how does today's devotion apply to your area of struggle?
Who are some friends that can walk with me through this journey of learning to make healthier choices?
Power Verse:
Psalm 78:18, "They willfully put God to the test by demanding the food they craved." (NIV)
© 2010 by Lysa TerKeurst. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105
Merriam-Webster Online
Word of the Day
* renovate
* audio pronunciation
* \REN-uh-vayt\
1: to restore to a former better state (as by cleaning, repairing, or rebuilding)
2: to restore to life, vigor, or activity : revive
Mom renovated the kitchen three years ago, and is now planning to buy all new furniture for the living room.
'Last year, the city approved a $2.8 million plan to renovate the theater portion of the building and reopen it as a public venue under the control of the parks department.' -- From an article by Elizabeth Donald in the Belleville News-Democrat (Illinois), September 15, 2010
'Renovate,' 'renew,' 'restore,' 'refresh,' and 'rejuvenate' all mean to make like new. 'Renovate' suggests a renewing by cleansing, repairing, or rebuilding. 'Renew' implies a restoration of what had become faded or disintegrated so that it seems like new ('efforts to renew the splendor of the old castle'). 'Restore' suggests a return to an original state after depletion or loss ('restored a piece of furniture'). 'Refresh' implies the supplying of something necessary to restore lost strength, animation, or power ('a refreshing drink'). 'Rejuvenate' suggests the restoration of youthful vigor, powers, or appearance ('she was rejuvenated by her new job'). 'Renovate' has 'newness' in its origins: it ultimately derives from the Latin verb 'novare,' meaning 'to make new,' itself a descendant of 'novus,' meaning 'new.'
Quick Quiz: What relative of 'renovate' means 'to do something in a new way.' The answer is ...
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A.Word.A.Day --luddite
with Anu Garg
noun: One who opposes or avoids the use of new technology.
After the Luddites, name taken by textile workers in England during 1811-1816 who destroyed machinery that was displacing them. They took the name after one Ned Ludd, whose identity is not clear. Ned Ludd is said to have destroyed, in a fit of insanity, a knitting frame in 1779. In response to the Luddites, the British parliament passed the Frame Breaking Act which made the destroying of knitting frames punishable by death.
'But I'm not a luddite. I'll keep my automatic coffee-maker, my computer, and my automatic dishwasher, thank you!'
Richard Packham; Elaborate Appliances Don't Justify the Cost or the Space; The News-Review (Roseburg, Oregon); Mar 21, 2010.
Explore 'luddite' in the Visual Thesaurus.
These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. -Gilbert Highet, writer (1906-1978)
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October 21 Observances
Apple Day
Caramel Apple Day
National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
Reptile Awareness Day
Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce
Alfred Nobel's Birthday (1833)
Thomas Edison Invented Lightbulb(1879
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
M-W Word of the Day
Word of the Day
* peculation
* audio pronunciation
* \pek-yuh-LAY-shun\
: embezzlement
The employee's peculation might never have been discovered had he not misdirected an e-mail intended for his bookie to the company bookkeeper.
'Starting with Kansas in 1911, most states passed laws to protect investors from nefarious sales practices and other peculation in the offer and sale of securities.' -- From an article by Arthur B. Laby in Business Lawyer, February 2010
'Peculation' has some peculiar relatives. It derives from Latin 'peculatus' ('misappropriation of property'), which belongs to a family of Latin words having to do with property and possession. The most basic members of the family, 'pecu' ('cattle') and 'pecus'('livestock'), reflect the fact that animals were a fundamental form of wealth in ancient societies. Other members of the family include 'pecunia' ('money'), which gave English 'pecuniary' ('monetary'), and 'peculiaris' ('of private property' or 'special'), which led to our 'peculiar.'
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A.Word.A.Day --harlequin
with Anu Garg
John Montagu, Fourth Earl of Sandwich, a British politician in the eighteenth century, was so fond of gambling that he spent the whole day playing, while devouring slices of bread with a filling between them. Little did he know that his name would become eponymous with that food. From sandwich to boycott, we use numerous eponyms (words named after people) in our daily discourse. In this week's AWAD, we'll look at five not so common eponyms, derived from people real and mythical.
(HAHR-luh-kwin, -kin)
adjective: In varied colors.
noun: A clown.
noun: A stock comic character, masked, and dressed in a diamond-patterned multicolored costume.
Via French and Italian, after Herla king, a mythical figure sometimes identified as Woden, an Anglo-Saxon god.
'Long, multicolored armbands and stringy dresses added flashy flair, and diamond-patterned tights resembled what a harlequin might wear.'
Jamey Keaten; Galliano Aims For Hippies at Fashion Show; Associated Press (New York); Oct 9, 2004.
'Another designer had her models parading down the catwalk in 'traditional, flounced peasant blouses and full-tiered skirts in brilliant red-and-white gingham, zigzag knit and harlequin patchwork'.'
Rona Dougall; Someone Save Us From Frocky Horror Shows; The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland); Sep 28, 2004.
Explore 'harlequin' in the Visual Thesaurus.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. -Abraham Joshua Heschel, theology professor (1907-1972)
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365 Days to Realize Your Potential
Potential Defined
Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
2 Corinthians 5:5
B00K QUOTE: Understanding Your Potential [Chapter 1]
It is a tragedy to know that with over live billion people on this
planet today. only a minute percentage will experience a significant
fraction of their true potential. Perhaps you are a candidate for con-
tributing to the wealth of the cemetery. Your potential was not given
for you to deposit in the grave. You must understand the tremendous
potential you possess and commit yourself lo maximizing it in your
short lifetime. What is potential. anyway?

Potential is therefore not what you have done, but what you are
yet able to do. In other words, what you have done is no longer your
potential. What you have successfully accomplished ¡s no longer
potential. It is said that unless you do something beyond what you
have done, you will never grow or experience your full potential.
Potential demands that you never settle for what you have accomplished. One of the great enemies of your potential is success. In order to realize your full potential. you must never be satisfied with your last accomplishment. It is also important that you never let what you cannot do interfere with what YOU CAN do. The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life that never realized its full potential. You must decide today not to rob the world of the rich, valuable, potent untapped resources locked away within you. Potential never has a retirement plan.
October 19 Observances
Evaluate Your Life Day
World Osteoporosis Day
Last Major Battle of American Revolution Ended (1781)
Largest Mass of Gold Discovered (1872)
National Seafood Bisque Day
It's "Evaluate Your Life Day" Have you made peace with your past? Have you figured out your purpose? and how to best release your potential?
Visit http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Self-Evaluation for tips on how to write a self-evaluation. Remember life is our job and we are each our own supervisors.
Monday, October 18, 2010
It Pays to Eat Pasta™
www.ItPaystoEatPasta.com has a sweepstakes to win a year of free groceries or 1 of 450 mini shopping sprees. The site also has coupons you can print out for pasta, recipes and health information
It Pays to Eat Pasta™: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"
- — —
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
Ephesians 3:20 (New International Version)
BOOK QUOTE: Understanding Your Potential [Preface]
The wealthiest spot on this planet is not the oil fields of Kuwait.
Iraq. or Saudi Arabia. Neither is it the gold and diamond mines of
South Africa, the uranium mines of the Soviet Union. or the silver
mines of Africa. Though it may surprise you, the richest deposits on
our planet lie just a few blocks from your house. They rest in your
local cemetery or graveyard. Buried beneath the soil within the walls
of those sacred grounds are dreams that never came to pass, songs
that were never sung. books that were never written, paintings that
never filled a canvas. ideas that were never shared, visions that never
became reality. inventions that were never designed. plans that never
went beyond the drawing board of the mind, and purposes that were
never fulfilled. Our graveyards are filled with potential that
remained potential. What a Tragedy!
Only a minute percentage of the five billion people on this
planet will experience a significant portion of their true potential.
Are you a candidate for contributing to the wealth of the cemetery?
Ask yourself the following questions.
Who am I?
Why am I here?
how much potential do I have?
What am I capable of doing?
By what criteria should J measure mv ability?
Who sets the standards?
By what process can I maximize my ability?
What are mv limitations?
Within the answers to these questions lies the key to a fulfilled.
effective life.
One of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch potential die
untapped. Many potentially great men and women never realize their
potential because they do not understand the nature and concept of
the potential principle. As God has revealed to me the nature of
potential. I have received a burden to teach others what I have learned.
There’s a wealth of potential in you. I know, because God has shown me
the vast store He placed in me. My purpose is to help you understand
that potential and get it out. You must decide if you are going to rob
the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked
away within you.
You are more than what you have done.
Excerpt from 365 Days to Realize Your Potential
Sunday, October 17, 2010
365 Manners Kids Should Know:
sweater isn’t your child style, the video is one he already has, or
the seashell clock is simply ugly. Unless the giver lets your child
know the sweater or video can be returned or exchanged (and even
then caution is urged), the best response is a sincere thank you.”
Tell your child to focus on the giver, not the gift. The giver put
time and thought into its selection, and certainly meant to please
your child.
There is no need for your child to lie when writing the note by
saying, for instance, that the dancing chihuahua was just what he
wanted. It would he better to say. Thank you for remembering
my birthday you have a talent for finding one—and-only gifts. I
will always think of you when I see the dancing chihuahua.”
Encourage your child to be creative and sincere and have fun
with dificult thank-you notes.
365 Manners Kids Should Know:
Games, Activities, and Other Fun Ways to Help Children Learn Etiquette
Jesus Calling

keeping your eyes on Me. I will open up the way before you,
as you take steps of trust along your path. Sometimes the
way before you appears to be blocked. If you focus on the
obstacle or search for a way around it, you will probably go
off course. Instead, focus on Me, the Shepherd who is lead
ing you along your Life—journey. Bcfore you know it, the
“obstacle” will be behind you and you will hardly know how
you passed through it.
That is the secret of success in My kingdom. Although you
remain aware of the visible world around you, your primary
awareness is of Me. When the road before you looks rocky.
you can trust Me to get you through that rough patch. My
Presence enables you to face each day with confidence.
John 10:14; Isaiah 26:7
Excerpt from Jesus Calling
October 18 Observances
National Kraut Sandwich Week (Oct 17- 23)
National Pickled Peppers Week (Oct 17- 23)
National School Bus Safety Week
World Menopause Day
International Day for Ending Poverty
Alaska Purchased from Russia (1867)
Black Olympians Suspended for Protest (1968)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Manners & Etiquette
“No gifts”
When an invitation says ‘no gifts,’ guests should honor the
request. On occasion a child will be invited to a “no gifts birth
day party, although children do love to get gills, so this is rare.
Such a patty may be planned if a child has birthday parties several years in row while his friends have them less frequently.
His parents may want to entertain his friends but don’t want
them to feel obligated to purchase a gilt every year. As with par
ties for adults, children should take the recommendation at face
value. They don’t have an obligation to take a gift. However, if
your child’s best friend is having such a party and your child has
already picked out the perfect gift, have her give it to her mend
when they arc alone.
No gifts’ should not he understood to mean "give money.’
Excerpt from 365 Manners Kids Should Know: Games, Activities, and Other Fun Ways to Help By Sheryl Eberly
October 15 Observances
National Chicken Cacciatore Day
National Mushroom Day
National Roast Pheasant Day
National Grouch Day
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
White Cane Safety Day
U.S. Dept. of Transportation Created (1966)
Nelson Mandela Awarded Nobel Peace Prize (1993)
Jesus Calling October 15
as you go step by step through this day. My Presence with you is both
a promise and a protection. My final staLement just before I
ascended into hcavcii vas: Surely I am with you always. l’hat
promise was for all of My followers, without exception.
The promise of My Presence is a powerful protection. AS you
journey through your life, there are numerous pitfalls along
the way. Many voices clamor for your attention, enticing you
to go their way. A few steps away from your truc path arc pits
of’ sell—pity and dcspair plateaus of pride and self—will. If you
take your eyes off Me and follow another’s way YOU are in
grave danger. Even we1l—meaning friends can lead you astray
if you let them usurp My place in your life. The way to stay
on the path of Life is to keep your focus on Me. Awareness of
Mv Presence is your best protection.
MATThEW 28:20; Hebrews 12:1—2
Excerpt from Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence By Sarah Young
Thursday, October 14, 2010
October 14 Observances

Jesus Calling Excerpt
OCtober 14 Observances
October 14 is the 287th day of the year (288th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 78 days remaining until the end of the year.
Contents [hide]
1 Events
2 Births
3 Deaths
4 Holidays and observances
5 External links
National Dessert Day
Be Bald and Be Free Day
Emergency Nurses Day
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction:
International Top Spinning Day
National Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day
National Chocolate-Covered Insects Day
Battle of Hastings Fought (1066)
Peace Corps Founded (1961)
Martin Luther King Jr. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize (1964)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 13 Observances
National Face Your Fears Day
Cornerstone of White House Laid (1792)
National Yorkshire Pudding Day
More Holidays and observances
365 Manners Kids Should Know
Choosing the right gift is a wonderful expression of affection or
appreciation. but it’s a skill that can take time lo develop. Children can learn by watching your example or by getting practice
at home.
Gift giving doesn’t come without its pitfalls—sometimes the
wrong gift is chosen, too many gifts are given that aren’t reciprocated, or appreciation isn’t shown when a gift is received.
Don’t lei your child miss the birthdays of family members.
Elementary-school children will need to be reminded of approach
The Word of the Day for October 12 is:
* audio pronunciation * \ERST-wile\
: in the past : formerly
We were delighted to discover a new community garden where erstwhile had been a trash-filled vacant lot.
"In Florida, the erstwhile popular Republican governor, Charlie Crist, dropped out of the party's Senate primary race to run as an independent after encountering Tea Party opposition." -- From the Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd.'s Country Report Select, October 1, 2010
The adverb "erstwhile" has been part of English since the 16th century, but it is formed from two words that are much older. It comes from the Old English words "ær," meaning "early," and "hwīl," which has much the same meaning as the modern word "while." (The English word "ere," meaning "before," is also descendant of "ær.") The adjective "erstwhile," as in "erstwhile enemies," joined the language around 1900.
A.Word.A.Day October 13
with Anu Garg
(gam-BOJ, -BOOZH)
1. A strong yellow color.
2. A gum resin obtained from the sap of trees of the genus Garcinia, used as a yellow pigment and as a cathartic.
From Latin gambogium, variant of cambugium, after Cambodia where, among other places in Southeast Asia, this tree is found.
"In Li Nong's works, the marshy environment is shown as something mysterious, pleasant and beautiful even, and his play of tones probably spanning the repertoire of gamboge, and cadmium, with streaks of impastoes, add to the tactile quality."
Ooi Kok Chuen; For the Zhangs, East Meets West; New Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia); Mar 9, 2001.
"What do you make of synaesthesia? Since a lot of your work is sensual, is finding a way of making visual emotions or reactions to particular natural or made stimuli, do you think thus, that happiness is gamboge, ennui is grey, and so on?"
Jonathan Meades; True Colours; The Times (London, UK); Mar 31, 2001.
Explore "gamboge" in the Visual Thesaurus.
The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. -Florence Scovel Shinn, writer, artist and teacher (1871-1940)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
October 12 Observances
World Farm Animals Day
International Moment of Frustration Scream Day
Free Thought Day
National Kick Butt Day
National Gumbo Day
Native Americans' Day
National Salesperson Day
Columbus Landed in Bahamas (1492)
USS Cole Attacked(2000)
Eat Better, Eat Together Month
Child Health Day
Family Health Month
Health Literacy Month
Hunger Awareness Month
National Apple MonthNational Bake and Decorate Month
National Caramel Month Link
National Chili Month
National Cookbook Month
National Popcorn Poppin' Month
National Pretzel Month
National Seafood Month
Spinach Lovers Month
Vegetarian Month
No Salt Week
1st Week
National Chili Week
1st Week
American Beer Week
2nd Week
National Food Bank Week
2nd Week
National School Lunch Week
2nd Week
National Pasta Week
2nd Week
National Kraut Sandwich Week
3rd Week
Pickled Peppers Week
3rd Week
Chicken Soup for the Soul Week
4th Week
National Desert Day
Second Thursday
Sweetest Day
Third Saturday
Eat The Seasons
Peak-Season Map at Epicurious.com
Apples, cucumbers, peppers, scallions, sweet potatoes, summer squash, tomatoes
Monday, October 11, 2010
365 Manners Kids Should Know
Children love to get gifts—so much so that they may break a fundamental rule of good manners and ask for them. Their early gilt
giving birthday gifts to friends) is sometimes done with a hint of
reluctance, How they wish they could just keep the gift them.
selves! Or you might find yourself buying duplicate items—one
[or your child to give away and one for him to keep.
As your child gets older, getting and giving gifts will take on
more meaning. ¡kil begin to realize that he should give gifts in a
similar price range as hîs friends: he shouldn’t outspend others.
Nor should he ever feel obligated to buy a gift that hurts your
íamily budget. Ii’s more thoughtful to buy a gift that reflects the
interests of the other person than to spend a lot of money
Guts are given lo mark special occasions—birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, Valentine’s Day—or they may be given just as
a token of friendship and love. A girl may bring her mend some
beautiful shells when she returns home from a beach vacation, A
boy can oiler his buddy .in enlarged and framed snapshot of the
two of them. These gills should always be given out of sincere
affection and regard for the other person.
Your child should never use a gilt to try to influence another
person. For example, one elementary-school girl craved the
Friendship of another girl in her class and repeatedly gave many
gifts—money candy desserts—trying to bribe the other girl into
friendship. She didn’t understand that you cant buy friendship.
The child who received the gifts felt torn inside. Of course she
liked getting gifts, but she didn’t like the obligation she began to
feel. Help your child understand that it isn’t truly a gift if the
other person doesn't feel good about it.
October 11 Meal Plan Egg & Pasta
Spaghetti with Caramelized Onions and Fried Eggs.
A simple recipe of caramelized onions, garlic, red pepper, fried eggs with a runny yolk tossed with pasta and broccoli.
I added some fresh basil
"The Good Egg More Than 200 Fresh Approaches from Breakfast to Dessert".
The recipe turned out delicious. My daughter asked for seconds. I added extra garlic, red pepper, and fresh basil.
All agreed to add this to Our House Cookbook.
Merriam-Webster Online
Word of the Day
1: tending to wear away by rubbing
2: causing irritation
EXAMPLESCoworkers tolerated John's abrasive personality because he was also brilliant, but many privately wished he could learn to be a bit more polite.
"Every time I watch my husband, who is a chef like me, sharpen our knives on one of his old-fashioned oilstones, I admire the simple elegance of the process: he just rubs the moistened blade at an angle against the rectangular block's finely abrasive surface." -- From an article in Saveur, January/February 2010
DID YOU KNOW?Once upon a time, English had two different but similarly derived words meaning "to wear down": "abrade" and "abrase." However, in this fairy tale, only one of the two had a happy ending; while "abrade" remains a familiar word to modern English speakers, "abrase" has become quite rare. And yet, "abrase" lives on in its descendant "abrasive," which was formed by combining the verb with the "-ive" suffix. Both of the verbs, and by extension "abrasive," can be traced back to the Latin verb "abradere," meaning "to scrape off." "Abradere" in turn was a combination of "ab-" and "radere," meaning "to scrape."
Quick Quiz: What relative of "abrasive" means "to rub or scratch out"? The answer is ...
A.Word.A.Day --sienna
This week's words in AWAD will help you describe the colors of autumn. All of these five words for colors are inspired by the names of places around the world. In our search for their origins, we'll visit Italy, China, Cambodia, and Turkey.
noun: A color derived from clay, ranging from yellowish brown (in raw form) to reddish brown (when roasted).
From Italian terra di Siena (earth of Siena). After Siena, a city in Italy once noted for the mining of this mineral. In its roasted form, the color is known as burnt sienna.
"Once you plow through the manual, you can program all your preferred settings, meaning the oven will remember just which shade of sienna you like your toast."
Melissa Clark; Compact Cookery; The New York Times; Aug 24, 2005.
Explore "sienna" in the Visual Thesaurus.
To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness. -Bertrand Russell, philosopher, mathematician, author, Nobel laureate (1872-1970)
October 11 Observances
General Pulaski Memorial Day: (President)
International African Diaspora Day
National Coming Out Day
Simchat Torah
Columbus Day
Eleanor Roosevelt's Birthday (1884)
First Staffed ApolloMission Launched(1968)
Nat'l School Lunch Week
World Egg Day
Oct 11 Perpetual Calendar
OCTOBER 11 excerpt from Jesus Calling
1 AM THE CULMINATION of all your hopes
and desires. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the
last: who is, and was, and is to come. Before you knew Me,
you expressed your longing for me in hurtful ways. You
were ever so vulnerable to the evil around you in the world.
But now My Presence safely shields you, enfolding you in
My loving arms. I have lifted you out of darkness into My
inn marvelous Light.
Though I have brought many pleasures into your life, not
one of them is essential. Receive My blessings with open
hands. Enjoy My good gifts, but do not cling to them. Turn
your attention to the’ Giver of all good things, and rest in the
knowledge that you are complete in Me. The one thing you
absolutely need is the one thing you can never lose: My Presence
with you.
1 PETER 2:9; JAMES 1:17