The Present Calendar

Thursday, March 10, 2011

<b>Never Tired</b> devotion for 10-MAR-11

&lt;b&gt;Never Tired&lt;/b&gt; devotion for 10-MAR-11

Selection Taken From:
A Year with God by R.P. Nettelhorst

Make this the year you let God's Word "dwell in you richly"---and marvel at the results! Each entry in this 365-day devotional features Scripture verses in which God speaks, accompanied by insights and applications to enhance your understanding. Learn what God says about hope and fear; perseverance and quitting; companionship and isolation; and more! 384 pages, softcover from Nelson, Copyright 2010.

Never Tired
The holy God asks, "Who compares with me?
Is anyone my equal?"
Look at the evening sky! Who created the stars?
Who gave them each a name?
Who leads them like an army?
The Loan is so powerful that none of the stars are ever missing.
You people of Israel, say, "God pays no attention to us! He doesn't care if we are treated unjustly."
But how can you say that?
Don't you know?
Haven't you heard?
The LORD is the eternal God, Creator of the earth.
He never gets weary or tired; his ; wisdom cannot be measured.
The LORD gives strength to those who are weary.
Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall.
But those who trust the LORD will find new strength.
They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired. - Isaiah 40:25—31 CEV

The more we learn, the less we know, and the more insignificant we become. When Isaiah wrote about the stars, both he and his listeners had a limited sense of what they were and how many there were.

On any given clear night, far from city lights, an observer might be able to see, at most, six thousand stars. But that is but a tiny fraction of the number of stars that actually exist. Within just our own galaxy, the Milky Way, it is estimated that there are 200 billion stars. Our Milky Way galaxy is but one of at least 100 billion galaxies that are known to exist. There are actually more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on all the seashores and deserts on earth. If you were to start taking a photograph of each star in just our galaxy, and took a photograph once every second, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, it would take more than thirty-one years just to photograph one billion stars. To take photos of all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy would take more than the length of all recorded human history. And then you'd have another 100 billion galaxies to go. Yet God created all those stars and keeps track of each one. No wonder his wisdom can't be measured!

The universe is immense, beyond human comprehension. Our place in it is vanishingly small. Our weakness is profound. But God is bigger than it all. His strength is beyond measure. And yet, that infinite God pays attention to us.

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